Donating your eggs is a great way to make a little extra income and help a family in need, but requires some preparation on the part of the egg donor. What exactly do you need to do while preparing to donate your eggs?
The Egg Donation Process
It’s best to start preparing to donate before registering with an agency. Preparing early ensures you’re ready to start as soon as you’re accepted. After you complete your registration and are accepted into our exclusive donor database, the first step in the donation process is getting matched with intended parents. When someone chooses you from our database, one of our case managers will get in touch and move the process forward.
Once you’ve been chosen as an egg donor, we’ll bring you in for a series of appointments to make sure you’re healthy and ready to donate. These visits will involve various medical, psychological, genetic, and, of course, fertility screenings.
When you’re cleared by our medical team, you’ll start on birth control pills to sync up with the cycle of the egg recipient. As you get closer to the egg retrieval date, our doctors will start you on a series of hormone injections that will promote ovulation. During the course of these injections, we’ll determine when the best time to retrieve your eggs is. Once the egg retrieval operation is finished, your part in the process is complete.
Read more “Preparing to Donate Your Eggs – How to Get Ready for Egg Donation”