How Much Money Do Egg Donors Get Paid?

Some young women who are thinking about donating their eggs feel a little weird about asking this question. We get it. Egg donation is a very personal decision, based on generosity and altruism. At first, it can seem kind of strange to bring money into the equation when you’re help a waiting family in this really amazing way. Trust us, it’s not.
Egg donor compensation is sometimes treated like a tricky subject, but at Bright Expectations we don’t think it should be. We think that we should be able to talk about everything related to egg donation openly and honestly, just like every other big decision in your life: school, career, relationships. This doesn’t need to be an awkward topic of conversation! So here’s everything you need to know about getting paid to donate your eggs.
Become an egg donor! Contact us today for more information.
Why do people pay egg donors?
Straight up: egg donors deserve to be compensated fairly. While donating your eggs is not a very difficult or time consuming process (from start to finish, the whole thing takes a couple of months, with just a week or two on medication, 6 to 8 visits to the clinic, and one quick egg retrieval procedure at the end) it is still a serious commitment. And while egg donation is very safe and most donors don’t have any problems, like any medical procedure, there can be side effects to deal with. The risks may be very small, but they still exist.
You’re putting time and effort into this, you’re agreeing to a bunch of blood tests and needles you wouldn’t otherwise need to undergo, and most importantly, you are changing a family’s world for ever. This is a big deal, and no one should ever tell you otherwise. You deserve to be rewarded. Compensation is a sign of respect and appreciation for doing something so selfless, and a recognition that your time, effort, and risk are valued.
What are the average compensation rates for egg donation?
Compensation can vary quite a bit, depending on where you donate your eggs. Usually, egg donors are usually paid between $5000 and $10,000 per cycle. At Bright Expectations, we offer our egg donors a compensation package that is a bit higher than the average, which includes:
- A payment of $8000 to $10,000 per cycle. A portion is paid when you begin your course of fertility medications, and the remainder within about 5 days of completing the egg retrieval.
- Paid expenses. If you need to travel to get to the clinic, we will also cover the cost of all your travel, including airfare, hotel, meals, and ground transportation for you and a companion if you decide to bring one with you to the egg retrieval.
- Free fertility testing. As an egg donor with Bright Expectations, you will also have access to information and education about your own fertility: the results of the screening tests are available to you and can be valuable when you are planning your own reproductive future.
What will you do with your egg donation compensation?
As an egg donor, you are making someone’s lifelong dreams come true. And hey–you also have dreams of your own! You deserve to follow them. The compensation you receive for donating your eggs can be an amazing first step towards chasing down your goals and building a future you’re excited about. Our donors have used their payments for all sorts of things, but some of the most popular are education, travel, and savings.
- Many donors use their compensation to help pay for further education: tuition, textbooks, paying off student loans or even funding semesters abroad.
- Travel is an amazing way to expand your horizons, and with your egg donation payment you can afford to discover the world in style, from an epic cross-country journey to a dream European vacation.
- Some donors choose to buy a car with their egg donation payment, which can open a lot of doors for both employment and adventure. Road trip, anyone?
- Your egg donation compensation can make it possible to relocate to a brand new city where you can seek out new opportunities, new friends, and new experiences.
- Saving for a down payment on your first apartment or house? Egg donor compensation makes a great little nest egg.
- If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, the money you receive for donating your eggs can help provide startup costs to open your own business.
- Saving for a rainy day when you’re young can make everything in life seem just a little bit easier, so some donors just tuck their compensation away for the future With the security of a healthy savings account, you’re free to dream big, take a few risks, and explore what’s out there for you.
These are just a few ideas, but the possibilities are really endless. Get inspired, daydream a bit, and imagine what you might do with your own compensation!
At the end of the day, the gift of egg donation is priceless, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be compensated for everything you’ve contributed. At Bright Expectations, it is very important to us and to the families we serve that every one our donors feels supported, cared for and appreciated throughout the egg donation process. That’s why we’ll always make sure that you are paid fairly for the incredible thing you’re doing for a family in need. When you’re considering egg donation, don’t let anyone make you feel uncomfortable bringing up the topic of compensation. The agency you choose should be open and transparent about how much they pay their donors, and you should know that you deserve the very best. Egg donation should always be a positive and rewarding experience, and generous compensation is part of ensuring that the whole thing is a win-win for everyone.